From cruise ships to semi-trucks, securing a moving target poses a serious challenge.
When looking to improve security in transportation, it is vital that a storage system is able to keep up with the task. It must be able to transmit large amounts of video footage from remote sites over any medium, without the risk of dropped frames or recording gaps. In the fast-moving world of transportation, any hiccup could produce serious consequences. At Rasilient, we purpose-build our systems to scale to any size deployment and handle any amount of video with ease. We integrate our technology with AI-enhanced software that strategically sorts data, reduces drive recording latency, and extends the mechanical drive lifespan to prevent recording gaps. With Rasilient’s reliable and efficient forensic-grade transmission, that means—wherever your system is located—every video frame will be in your hands instantaneously.
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Fairbanks International Airport
Fairbanks International Airport upgraded its video surveillance system with Rasilient’s forensic-grade series of servers and storage to help protect the thousands of passengers the airport serves each day.
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